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October 29, 2012

ok so i lied

Within hours of posting my update for the week I got amazingly sick.  I thought I was on the mend earlier this afternoon but my body said nah not really.  I'm doped up on as many things as I can be but not sure if it's gonna keep my stomach calm and my fever broken throughout the rest of the day/night.  I did wash my hair but that took a massive effort so I ended up taking a bit of a nap afterwords.  My hair was soft and semi dry by the time I woke up.  I added all my leave ins and detangled.  I have to say for a week of no detangling it worked pretty well.  I may take a picture later but feeling entirely too lazy to do that right now.  I was going to use one of the foam hair pieces I found at the beauty supply store to wrap my hair into a bun or a nice tucked in updo instead of my random bobby pinned thing.  Right now I'm still on the flexi rods because I just don't have the patience to take them down when I'm sleeping so randomly and uncomfortably at the moment.  If I recover soon I'll take some photos but if not just trust me, it's washed and set.  Speak to ya soon.

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