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November 17, 2012

Tiny Chorus of Thank Yous

This may not be very long.  So on Tuesday I sent copies of Brave out to the different sets of small humans I know.  My brother let me know that he got their copy yesterday but I hadn't heard if the other made it safely.  I inquired about it but forgot cause I was running errands and getting dinner for mom and I.  Right after I got home my nieces called to thank me for their new movie.  Neither one of them talks too long these days but they were very excited to be able to watch the movie after they took their bath tonight.  They are adorable so while they are short on conversation they both said thank you and were excited to know I had all the same movies here in case they come visit and can watch them as much as they like.

Later on I got a call from small human set number two who oddly did the same thing my brother does in that I recognize the number but the small voice is not anticipated.  She seemed a little hesitant at first but wanted to let me know that she had gotten the movie Brave and she was happy to watch it tomorrow.  I totally forgot her birthday was coming up so I'm sure she'll receive it as a birthday gift but it was really my Disney movie gifting spree.  Really if I care about your kids and we chat a lot you'll probably get a copy later too.  It's what I do especially during release weeks as they are discounted and I'm cheap. 

I also got a lovely card from a sorority sister today thanking me for being a good sister which was unexpected that just added to the thank you fest.  All in all it gave me the warm fuzzies.  As did finding out some more info that ancesty.com came up with was valid for my family tree.  I didn't add any new recipes to the binder but that's okay too.  I'm on day 17 of 20 on the 3D White process too.  Three more days and we'll see the final results.  Have a good night and Sunday everyone.

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