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October 20, 2018

Three Month Update

Hey people,

I am very glad that I was able to retrieve my calendar because as smart as I think I am normally I am super tired because I am sick and my brain was blanking on an important date.  I went from thinking about locs to getting them very quickly.  So quickly I was starting to think that i started the process in August because it didn't seem like I had had them that long.  I was incorrect.  I had my consult with Sarah @ Soul Sistahs in mid July and the install done the next week so yes I am officially three months in.  Corissa has been filling in for Sarah who is on maternity leave and I have to say I enjoy both of them and this journey has been smoother because I have been able to ask questions and discuss what I wanted openly.  I wanted to see what looked different from day one to now so I put together a quick progress update using Pixlr express.

I probably mentioned this in my July or September update but the older Black woman contingent was not exactly thrilled with the July look.  It was too thin and compact to my head and there was no good idea of what it was going to look like later.  As I made my rounds this week, they were much more excited and happy about the look.  As one kept saying, I'm just shocked that your hair is hanging and it is in certain places.  It's sitting on my neck in the back--the part that was coming undone the most is now locking the fastest per my last session.  Last month was a little puffy but this month is twisted nice and tight and outside of the one loc that we had to totally restart the hair is holding up well and I'm enjoying myself.  Not being hyperfocused on my hair is great.  And that's probably not the best word, not manipulating my hair as much is great.  I still worry about making sure it's properly moisturized and my scalp is healthy and I'm drinking enough water and all that stuff.  Regardless, the low maintenance life is letting me get in touch with all of me in a new way.

Now I just need to get back to the gym.  How is life going with you guys?

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