Today may actually be my locversary if we are being technical about number of days since this started but I think it's officially tomorrow. Hold on, let me check. So it's been 1095 days which is exactly three years if there had been no leap year which there was so that makes it one day, at a minimum, short. Regardless, it's been an interesting journey. From the teeny tiny goodness that's a lot of scalp on my head phases to now. Looking now you would just assume they have always been healthy and long but that is thanks to the lovely ladies who have maintained my locs, gone alone with my weirdness and helped me learn how to take care of them while also not doing too damn much to my hair at the same time. Each year has meant learning something new and as we slide into the beginning of marking this next year of growth, my scalp is demanding more attention but my hair overall looks better than I think I could have imagined at this stage. I meant to wear the same shirt for the retwist so that you could note growth but yeah that didn't happen. If you're on the fence about locs go for it. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Photos or it didn't happen lol.
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July 25, 2021
July 10, 2021
Yeah I'm late again
Hello everyone,
I'm late like usual. It's almost time for a retwist and I forgot to post again. I'm not sure if I posted the May photos but I'll give you June for now. Look at all this hair ha. It's been down the whole month while I was working out more and I need to ask about that. The back I think may need to be interloc'd instead of retwisted. Outside of sweating out the retwist, my hair has been fine. Well that's not entirely true. My scalp was ridiculously dry when I got home. Like making me unhappy it was so dry. I hit it with some Haitian Black Castor Oil and all was well. I've done that once since and made sure to spray it as much as I can. I am two weeks maybe from my three year loc anniversary. It's been interesting and I'm glad that I started it. Happy girl, happy hair.
See ya